Data Quality Improvement Steps

  • STEP 1: Access the SHBP Enrollment Portal and SHRT
    • Navigate to the SHBP Enrollment Portal at
    • Login using your specified credentials.
    • In the "Helpful Links Menu", select "Connect to SHRT".
    • Review the Terms and Conditions.
    • After reviewing, if you agree, select accept to continue.

    Note: If you do not have administrative access to the SHBP Enrollment Portal and/or SHRT, you may apply here.

  • STEP 2: Select a payroll location folder

    Choose the folder of the payroll location's data you would like to begin working with.

  • STEP 3: Download the Employing Entity Report
    • Select the From ADP folder;
    • Select the folder titled "Employing_Entity_Rpts";
    • Download the most recent Employing Entity Report.

    For additional information on the report fields, download the "Employing Entity Report Key" located within the corresponding folder.

  • STEP 4: Data Comparison

    After downloading the Employing Entity report, the data contained in the report should be compared to data in your system to determine if any employment data changes are needed.

  • STEP 5: Submit data changes

    Submit your file with the required employee data changes, using the file submission method applicable to your entity. Please allow 24-48 hours to process your input changes, based on when the file was received.

    If you have questions on the applicable record type, refer to the AUF Specifications and UAT Guide. ( For BOE and Non-State Agencies only)

    Please consult the file processing schedule, in the AUF Specifications and UAT Guide, to determine the specific timelines for processing and when you can expect to observe your updates.

  • STEP 6: SHBP Enrollment Portal and reports review

    1 to 2 business days after the update file has been submitted, review the employees' data in the SHBP Enrollment Portal.

    If the submitted changes have processed, the changes will be reflected within the portal as applicable.

    For terminations and transfers, once the changes have been processed, you will no longer have access to view the employee's profile in the SHBP Enrollment Portal.

    Note: For a schedule of file report delivery times, review the SHRT Files & Reports Schedule.

    If the submitted changes have not processed, proceed to Step 7.

  • STEP 7: Input Errors

    If the submitted changes have not updated within the SHBP Enrollment Portal:

    1. Review the SHBP Input Error Report, located in SHRT, and the SHBP Input Error Report Reference Tool to determine the appropriate actions needed.
    2. Update your file and;
    3. Resubmit the file for processing.


    If you have resubmitted with the required updates based on the input error reports and the employee updates were rejected again, please contact Employer Services for further assistance by phone or through Xchange.


    We appreciate your involvement in our Data Quality Improvement Initiative. Your efforts play a crucial role in our continuous dedication to ensuring the precision of employee data, safeguarding health information, and realizing financial benefits for both our members and employers.