Technical Guidance for Affordable Care Act (ACA) Files Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Boards of Education and Employer Locations Not Participating in SAO Peoplesoft

Described below are FAQs regarding the production and distribution of ACA files via the State Health Repository Tool (SHRT) to assist Boards of Education and Employer Locations not participating in SAO PeopleSoft with preparing the IRS Form 1095 for their employees.

Note: For State Agencies participating in SAO Peoplesoft that use TeamWorks HR and TeamWorks Payroll, the Division of Family and Children Services (DFACS), and Technical College System of Georgia (including Technical Schools), please visit the State Accounting Office’s website for more information regarding ACA reporting:

  • How do I access the SHBP State Health Repository Tool (SHRT)?

    SHRT is accessed through the SHBP Enrollment Portal at Once you have registered and logged in, click the Report Center link in the left-hand menu, then click on the Connect to SHRT Tool link. Your administrator login is the same as your member login. If you failed to previously register and have access to SHRT, visit our website for directions:

  • Where can I find my ACA files?

    Your ACA files will be found in SHRT within a sub-folder titled ‘ACA’ that is within your ‘FROM_ADP’ folder.

  • How many ACA files will be produced for my location each year?

    There will be 12 monthly files – one for each month of the year – that will be produced for your location. Additionally, there will be 14 Quarterly full files distributed throughout the year. Employers should visit the SHRT to access the ACA File Production Schedules. Upon logging into SHRT, locate the Additional SHRT instructions folder by typing in the search field: additional_shrt_instructions.

  • When will ACA files be delivered each month?

    Effective Plan Year 2018, the monthly files will be delivered on the 5th business day of the month for the prior month’s data. To capture retroactive activity, we have also added quarterly files for Q1-Q3. During Q4, a cumulative file for the quarter will be delivered through November, and a Quarterly Full File will be delivered in January. This also appears at the end of this document. Employers should visit the SHRT to access the ACA File Production Schedules. Upon logging into SHRT, locate the Additional SHRT instructions folder by typing in the search field: additional_shrt_instructions.

  • What is included on the ACA Files?

    The monthly ACA Files produced January – December (excluding the Quarterly full files) will include employment and eligibility information as of the last date of the prior month, as well as any retroactive employment and eligibility data as of the last date of the prior month.

  • Can I wait until the end of the year to download and process my ACA files?

    It is recommended that you download and process your ACA files each month they are posted to SHRT. This approach is suggested to ensure any identified issues are reported to SHBP for research and resolution, as soon as possible. No updates will be made to ACA files outside of the ACA File Production Schedules. Employers should visit the SHRT to access the ACA File Production Schedules. Upon logging into SHRT, locate the Additional SHRT instructions folder by typing in the search field: additional_shrt_instructions.

  • What happens if an employee’s eligibility or enrollment status, and/or dependent information changes after that month’s ACA file has been produced?

    The next month’s ACA file will reflect the change; however, the previous month’s ACA file will not be recreated. The change may also appear on the Quarterly File and/or Quarterly Full File, as applicable. Employers should visit the SHRT to access the ACA File Production Schedules. Upon logging into SHRT, locate the Additional SHRT instructions folder by typing in the search field: additional_shrt_instructions.

  • Should I expect to see Retirees’ eligibility data on the ACA files posted to SHRT?

    No. Retirees’ eligibility data will be included on your file only through the month in which they were an employee employed with your organization. If a Retiree’s eligibility information is included beyond their retirement date, this indicates the Retiree is still reflected as an employee employed with your organization in the SHBP Enrollment Portal.  

  • Should terminated employees appear on ACA files?

    Yes, all employees in the SHBP Enrollment Portal, will be included on the files regardless of employment and/or enrollment status.

    Note: When an employee is included with only employment information, this indicates the employee is in the SHBP Enrollment Portal as being terminated. If an employee’s employment and plan coverage information is included, this indicates the employee is still reflected as an Active Member in the SHBP Enrollment Portal and action should be taken on their record.   

  • If a terminated employee is included on the ACA files with employment and eligibility information showing they are currently an Active Member, which corrective actions should be taken?

    If an employee’s employment and eligibility information are included, this indicates the employee is still reflected as an Active Member in the SHBP Enrollment Portal. To correct the employment and eligibility information, one of the following actions should be taken:

    • If you are an Automated Employer, please submit a TERM Record via an AUF file to SHBP to terminate the employee. The next day, Employer should check the SHBP Enrollment Portal to ensure the employee is terminated. If the employee is not terminated, Employer should review their Input Error and/or Reject Report in SHRT and take any necessary action indicated on the Report.
    • If you are an EASI Employer, please submit a TERM record via EASI to SHBP to terminate the employee. The next day, Employer should check the SHBP Enrollment Portal to ensure the employee is terminated. If the employee is not terminated, Employer should review their Input Error and/or Reject Report in SHRT and take any necessary action indicated on the Report. 
    •  If further assistance is required, please contact your dedicated SHBP employer services specialists(s) by visiting
  • Is there a way to proactively verify in a timely manner whether or not I will have terminated employees on my ACA files that appear as an employee employed with my organization and eligible for coverage and/or enrolled in coverage as an Active Member?

    Yes – The Monthly Employing Entity Reports, which are typically posted to SHRT by the 28th of each month can be used to identify the status of all employees reflected in the SHBP Enrollment Portal in your organization regardless of their enrollment status.

  • Should terminated dependents appear on Employer’s ACA files?

    All dependents that are in the SHBP Enrollment Portal will be included on files regardless of age and/or enrollment status.

  • Should the coverage end date for a terminated employee match the termination date?

    When an employee is terminated, the system determines their coverage end date by using the employee’s Last Date of Deduction (or Last Date Paid) submitted by the Employer. The coverage end date is the last date of the next month following the last date paid. If the last date paid was 8/28/2020, the coverage end date will be 9/30/2020 and is reflected on the Employee’s Profile page as “SHBP Coverage Ends Date”.

    Note: If an employee is terminated and subsequently reinstated (i.e. transfer or rehire) within 30 days, a break in coverage will not exist. As a result, the coverage end date is set to 12/31/9999 and will be displayed on the ACA file as 12/31/9999.

  • If all terminations are displayed on the ACA files with only their employee information record, should I be concerned when a terminated employee who was reinstated to a new location no longer shows on my file?

    Terminated employees will show on each file with an employee information record as long as they are showing as a terminated employee within your location in our system. If they are reinstated into a new location, they will no longer show on your files and will begin to show as an active employee in their new location.

  • How can I ensure the data in my ACA files are accurate?

    It’s important that you and your employees take action to ensure status changes (i.e. terminations, benefits eligibility status, etc.) are updated into the enrollment portal timely. Delays in the reporting of this information will have an adverse effect on the quality of your ACA files. Note: No updates will be made to ACA files outside of the ACA File Production Schedules. Employers should visit the SHRT to access the ACA File Production Schedules. Upon logging into SHRT, locate the Additional SHRT instructions folder by typing in the search field: additional_shrt_instructions.

  • Who should I contact if I have questions or concerns about the contents of the ACA files posted to SHRT that are not addressed through this document?

    Please contact SHBP Employer Services at

  • Who should I contact if I would like to customize my ACA file in a format that suits my needs?

    SHBP produces ACA files as a courtesy to assist employers with meeting their ACA requirements. However, similar to other standard, non-customized reports and files produced in SHRT for employers, SHBP also does not customize ACA files for employers.