2022 Train the Trainer FAQs
How soon after OE closes will we receive the OE file?
On November 12, 2022 Employers will receive a FULL 2023 Deduction file that will reflect all deductions for your Employees for 2023 (even when $0).
- Boards of Education and Non-SAO Employers: Full Deduction file(s) will be posted to SHRT.
- State Agencies and Other Employing Entities Participating in SAO: Full Deduction file will be transmitted to SAO for processing.
How will OE enrollment work for new hires hired in October and November? Will they have two open enrollment windows and/or will their New Hire open enrollment selected plans roll over?
Employees should know if they make an election effective in Plan Year 2022 as a New Hire or declare a Qualifying Event resulting in a new election effective in Plan Year 2022 during the Open Enrollment window, the New Hire or Qualifying Event election will override the Open Enrollment election for Plan Year 2023 unless:
On the confirmation page after making the New Hire or Qualifying Event election, the employee follows the automated prompt in the SHBP Enrollment Portal and makes a subsequent change to Open Enrollment election for Plan Year 2023, even if they previously made their Open Enrollment election prior to the New Hire or Qualifying Event.
Additionally, if an employee’s hire date occurs after November 1, 2022, they will only receive an Open Enrollment Window. A New Hire Window will not appear.
Please cover the HRA for the Anthem Plans.
This information is available in the Active Member Decision Guide at https://shbp.georgia.gov/enrollment/open-enrollment.
What are the upcoming changes, and what should we notify the employees about?
For Plan Year 2023 there are no changes in copays, co-insurance ore deductibles. However, we encourage you to remind your employees of the following:
- For your employees that are thinking about making changes, please share this link which includes Skip the Phones! presentations with step-by-step instructions on making their election in the SHBP Enrollment Portal: https://shbp.georgia.gov/skip-phones.
- The Co-Browse with a Representative feature has been added allowing your employees to interact directly with an SHBP Member Services Representative when they log into the Portal. Assisting them to navigate the SHBP Enrollment Portal through a view-only tool and answer their benefit questions.
- Active Members currently enrolled in coverage who take no action will simply roll over to the same plan option they are currently enrolled in. So, please inform your employees that if they’re happy with their current plan option and have no changes, they don’t have to take any action for this year’s Open Enrollment.
- If an employee’s hire date occurs after November 1, 2022, they will only receive an Open Enrollment Window. A New Hire Window will not appear.
Will we be able to make elections on behalf of our employees during open enrollment?
Yes. SHBP Designated Benefits Administrators (DBA) will be able to make OE Elections on behalf of the employee. However, not to assume liability of OE election errors when making elections on behalf of the employee we encourage our DBA’s to allow their employees to make their own OE elections.
Three ways to make elections:
- SHBP Enrollment Portal https://myshbpga.adp.com/shbp/: Please encourage your employees to make their elections in the SHBP Enrollment Portal available 24 hours a day/7 days a week. This is the fastest way to elect benefits.
- Please remind your Employees that they can now elect coverage online with their Mobile Devices (e.g., smartphones, iPads, etc.).
- SHBP Member Services 1-800-610-1863: Monday thru Friday – 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. ET. during Open Enrollment and Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET. Due to Covid-19 wait times are anticipated to be longer than normal.
Where can I find the 2022 Train the Trainer Presentation for Plan Year 2023?
The 2022 Train the Trainer Presentation for Plan Year 2023 is posted to the SHBP Website at https://shbp.georgia.gov/train-trainer-0.
Where is the Active Member Decision Guide located?
The Active Member Decision Guide is located on the SHBP Website at https://shbp.georgia.gov/enrollment/open-enrollment.
How are member email addresses updated?
Employee email addresses are managed by incoming AUF Files transmitted by the employer for all employees who have NOT completed registration in the SHBP Enrollment Portal. The employee email address should be included with the New Hire Record transmitted by the employer.
Once an employee has completed registration in the SHBP Enrollment Portal, the member/employee is responsible for updating/managing their email addresses. Employee/member email addresses will no longer be updated by files transmitted by the employer.
The member may update their email address by access the SHBP Enrollment Portal or by contact SHBP Member Services at 800.610.1863. -
What are the SHBP Member Services Call Center Hours during the Open Enrollment Period for PY2023?
SHBP Member Services has Extended Hours for Open Enrollment, but we need you to encourage your employees to Skip the Phones!
- Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. ET during Open Enrollment and Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET (normally 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday - Friday).
- For your employees that are thinking about making changes, please share this link which includes Skip the Phones! presentations with step-by-step instructions on making their election in the SHBP Enrollment Portal: https://shbp.georgia.gov/skip-phones.
How do I get access to State Health Repository (SHRT) reports?
To request SHRT access, please visit the SHBP website and complete an access agreement here: https://shbp.georgia.gov/employers/your-employing-entity/shrt.
Will health premium deductions continue from the retirement annuity for Retired Teachers returning to Employment under HB 385?
Retired Teachers returning to Employment under HB 385 and would like to continue receiving their annuity, the employer should report the employee as benefits ineligible.
Additional information is located on the SHBP Website here: https://shbp.georgia.gov/retirees-0/retirees-who-are-returning-work.
We hired a retiree back full time and are paying their insurance. What do they need to do for open enrollment?
For Plan Year 2023 there are no changes in copays, co-insurance ore deductibles. However, we encourage you to remind your employees of the following:
- For your employees that are thinking about making changes, please share this link which includes Skip the Phones! presentations with step-by-step instructions on making their election in the SHBP Enrollment Portal: https://shbp.georgia.gov/skip-phones.
- The Co-Browse with a Representative feature has been added allowing your employees to interact directly with an SHBP Member Services Representative when they log into the Portal. Assisting them to navigate the SHBP Enrollment Portal through a view-only tool and answer their benefit questions.
- Active Members currently enrolled in coverage who take no action will simply roll over to the same plan option they are currently enrolled in. So, please inform your employees that if they’re happy with their current plan option and have no changes, they don’t have to take any action for this year’s Open Enrollment.