Tobacco Surcharge Policies

Tobacco Surcharge Policies and Instructions

All tobacco users may have their tobacco surcharge removed by completing the wellness requirements outlined in the applicable Tobacco Surcharge Removal Policy below.

Members Currently Not Paying the Tobacco Surcharge: If a member is not currently paying the tobacco surcharge and does not make an active election during Open Enrollment, the current enrollment will default to the new Plan Year and the member will continue to not pay the tobacco surcharge.

Members Currently Paying the Tobacco Surcharge: If a member is currently paying the tobacco surcharge and does not make an active election during Open Enrollment, the current enrollment will default to the new Plan Year and the member will continue to pay the tobacco surcharge.

Members Must Notify the State Health Benefit Plan (SHBP) When their Tobacco Status Changes:  It is a member’s responsibility to notify SHBP immediately if their answer to the tobacco surcharge question changes during the year.

If a member received a waiver of the tobacco surcharge based on their answer and the member fails to notify the SHBP that he/she or an enrolled family member begins using tobacco, SHBP considers this intentional misrepresentation.

Intentional misrepresentation in response to the tobacco surcharge question or failure to notify SHBP of changes to your response to the tobacco surcharge question will have significant consequences, including:

  • Active employees (and other applicable individuals) will lose SHBP coverage for 12 months beginning on the date that their false response or failure to notify SHBP is discovered.
  • Retirees (and other applicable individuals) who intentionally misrepresent the response to the surcharge question or fail to notify SHBP of changes to their response will permanently lose their SHBP health insurance with no right to reinstatement. 

Active Employees

Anthem Blue Cross Blue and Shield (Anthem) and UnitedHealthcare Member

Kaiser Permanente (KP) Members


Anthem and UnitedHealthcare Members

KP Members


2023 Tobacco Surcharge Policies