Benefit Coordinators
Employers that offer the State Health Benefit Plan to their employees rely on their HR Benefit Coordinators and Payroll Location personnel to handle most SHBP member eligibility and billing questions.
The communications materials shown below are designed to assist HR Benefit Coordinators and Payroll Location.
Training Series
Tobacco Surcharge
FAQ - SHBP Agency Files
FAQ - SHBP Qualifying and Pending Events
Qualifying and Pending Events for SHBP Enrollment Portal
SHBP Agency Files Training
Tobacco Surcharge Policy and Instructions
Members who were assessed the tobacco surcharge in 2014 and who failed to answer the surcharge question for 2015 will continue to be assessed the surcharge for 2015.
All tobacco users have the opportunity to have their tobacco surcharge removed by completing the wellness requirements in the Tobacco User Policy. For information regarding removal of the tobacco surcharge, please see the policies below.